Unexpected Peace Reunion at Colgate!
Four 'old' friends and dear colleagues met at the Colgate Inn for dinner on 7th November, to celebrate the Peace Studies Program, their...

Peace Library installed at Rose Castle
We are delighted that Rose Castle has been entrusted as the custodian of Professor Nigel Young's personal collection or books, which he...

U- Turns And The Masks Of Empathy
For Government in recent times , justification for policy change has been a new public demand for action; particular this has been the...

Postnational Memory Book Launch
Postnational Memory, Peace and War: Making Pasts Beyond Borders, by Nigel Young published by Routledge is now available through Taylor...

After the deluge
Some thoughts: 1. The election result did not prove a mandate for BREXIT as Boris Johnson claims. Only about 47% of the votes cast were...

An Open Letter To Jeremy Corbyn
Dear Jeremy, You will continue to play a central role in the Socialist movement in these islands and in Europe. You have broken new life...

Ending More BREXIT Deadlines
In a situation where damage to our social and political fabric has now become even more of a threat than the actual issue which has...

Open letter to Caroline Flint and colleagues
The Labour Party has been a party wedded to fighting for the truth since its birth, even when both are unpopular. From its foundation it...

In a situation of crisis
To promote internationalist and progressive democratic possibilities, it is essential that the campaign to stay in the EU becomes...

Ireland, Brexit and a peace without borders. An idea for organizing a political spectacle
I want to share an idea: organizing a mass political spectacle - one celebrating Europe beyond frontiers - along the whole of the Irish...