Ireland, Brexit and a peace without borders. An idea for organizing a political spectacle

I want to share an idea: organizing a mass political spectacle - one celebrating Europe beyond frontiers - along the whole of the Irish N/S border: forming, however briefly, a human chain from the Atlantic Ocean near Derry to the Irish Sea, North of Dublin.
I am advised by a peace research friend that it would need at least 300,000 to cover the whole length of the 3l0 mile N/S Irish border. It would need pledges to link arms (one person's average span about 5 feet). This would mean l,000 pledges per mile. To allow for drop-outs and people standing closer, it would ideally need twice that number. However, a third of the length is the zig-zag border from Belleek, between Donegal and the North. Omitting this would shorten the length and the numbers needed (thank you HB).
These would be internationally recruited, not only from Ireland, North and South, Scotland, Wales and England, but anyone who believes in the vision of a borderless continent - maybe eventually a world beyond frontiers.
This would work as a powerful symbolic action to affirm both the European project and the Good Friday agreement.
Whatever happens in the next 90 days, such a symbolic effort is needed - whether as a protest, or celebration, or as part of a new campaign to maintain a community of Europe.
If you like the idea, please share it.