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After the deluge

Some thoughts:

1. The election result did not prove a mandate for BREXIT as Boris Johnson claims. Only about 47% of the votes cast were for clearly BREXIT policies (BBC l3th December). The other 53% were for either clearly REMAIN (20%); or for a people’s vote/second referendum, with a Remain option.

2. Despite muddled campaigns, it is misleading and simplistic to blame the leaders of either Labour or Lib. Dem parties for the result. The failure was (except perhaps by the SNP) to argue a POSITIVE case for Europe, as against the largely negative pro-BREXIT press and media TV, and this was spread across the spectrum.

3. The failure to unite these – meant that splitting the pro-Europe vote was central, with some catastrophic errors of judgment in some seats.

4. The issue of the asymmetric funding of party campaigns, and also of information manipulation, raises questions of pro-BREXIT funding and interference. Key documents on this remain unpublished, due now relate to a potential foreign role that needs scrutiny.

5. The Labour Party, with a largely Remain membership, has to decide soon whether it is FOR or AGAINST re-joining the European Union. For England and Wales, and still with over a third of the vote, that is a critical factor in the next six months.

6. For both Scotland and Northern Ireland, the scenario may be different and different options are likely, and this impact may be significant.

7. The Lib. Dems.’ role as a broker in creating and sustaining a pro-remain strategy still could be fruitful with electoral alliances for bye-elections, and council elections, but their failure in this election has been a critical factor.

8. The result underlines the disproportionate nature of electoral representation, an asymmetric parliament that moves to reverse that actual result. The case for PR is starker than ever.

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